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Diplomacy: A Brief History

  As fascinating as the word ‘Diplomacy’ may sound in present times, its relation with unnecessary wars, harrowing homicidal intentions and perpetual aggression cannot be overlooked, especially in the context of current Geo-Political scenario.  Ukraine-Russia war, Israel-Hamas conflict, growing tensions in the South China Sea, all are nothing but the consequences of failed diplomacy, because in almost all the cases the failure of diplomatic channels leads to a full-fledged war and history itself bears testimony of such events.   Objective  The eventual goal of diplomacy is to establish/maintain peace, through compromises, treatises or any other possible way. Though it cannot be used to completely destroy wars, because wars are nothing but personification of an inexplicable tendency of humans to impose their superiority over one another needlessly, mostly in the form of ‘patriotism’ or ‘nationalism’, which in fact stands lucid for what Leo Tolstoy asserts in ...

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